Dr. Robert Renteria Reflects upon the Reality of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream
Dr. Robert Renteria, Two-Time MLK Jr. Award Recipient
NEW YORK CITY, NY, USA, January 14, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Civic leader and two-time Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. award recipient, Dr. Robert Renteria recently shared his thoughts about the significance of the MLK dream, his publicist announced today. Dr. Robert Renteria is the first Latino in the world to receive two National Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., awards for his work as a civil rights leader, and a Latino voice in educational reform.
Renteria says that uniting our country is a big idea whose time is sadly overdue and that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream must finally become a reality. As a civic leader, he teaches that love is the only way.
The Illinois resident believes that united we stand, and divided we fall. He ponders why after centuries of recognizing different races, religions and interracial relationships why it is so difficult to love another as simply one human race.
“Dr. King said ‘We must not continue to judge a man or woman; a boy or girl by the color of their skin but rather by the content of their character,’ it's significant to understand that there are really only two colors; beautiful or ugly,” stated Dr. Renteria. “Despite the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's, today in 2022, we have yet to conquer the prejudice, discrimination, hatred, the racial divide and severe violence that has infected our nation.
“There are words being used publicly today such as diversity, inclusion, peace, social justice, equality, humanity, employment and education. The time has come for them to be more than mere sound bites. We also separate ourselves by emphasizing blue states and red states more than we speak about the United States as one nation under God.”
Dr. Renteria emphasizes that despite a racially-oriented world, taking care of each other represents its foundation and is best illustrated by being available for our families, neighbors, communities and cities in time of need.
“It’s how we all become champions,” he explained. “People are focused on contracts, playing politics, unions, paychecks, money and power. Adults would learn a lot just by taking some simple, life lessons from our children who do not know color but they do know is love. Lifting one another up so we all can fly is how God intended us to be, and exactly how to make Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream a reality.”
Original Source Article: https://www.thealbanypost.com/article/560628810-dr-robert-renteria-reflects-upon-the-reality-of-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-s-dream
About Dr. Robert Renteria
Dr. Robert Renteria is a civic leader and spokesman for From the Barrio Foundation is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization based in Aurora, IL. From the Barrio Foundation donates academic and faith-inspired curricula which address social and emotional learning (SEL). He is the recipient of two, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., awards for excellence in anti-violence education, youth initiatives and community change. On January 15, 2013, he was honored by Reverend Jesse Jackson's coalition, PUSH Excel on January 15, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. Then on Saturday, January 26, 2013, he received his second Dr. King award from Chicago's Illinois Commission on Diversity and Human Relations (ICDHR). Dr. Renteria is available for speaking engagements and appearances. For more information, visit www.fromthebarrio.com, or call 312.933.5619.