“From the Barrio to the Board Room” is a Tool
Dr. Robert Renteria promotes education, a sense of pride & accomplishment, and self-esteem within our communities.
Dedicated to Change
The Books “From the Barrio to the Board Room, Mi Barrio and Little Barrio” are teaching tools. They are culturally relevant, inspiring, exciting, and motivating books. Both the school-based and faith-based curricula (which are both donated at no cost) are used as a comprehensive bilingual non-generic program that resonates with the youth and adults promoting student achievement, helping our teens and at-risk youth with their critical thinking skills, and bridging the educational gap.
From the Barrio Foundation recognizes that Dr. Renteria is an incredible resource who can inspire our youth to ask for help. It is the Barrio books and curriculum that help address and solve the issues of bullying, gangs, violence, drugs and school dropouts.
The Story
Several years ago, a young man approached Dr. Renteria and wanted to know the secret to getting himself a “phat” ride like Robert’s new Mercedes. When Robert told him the secret was hard work, the boy listened. At that moment, Robert realized that countless children, teenagers, and adults are walking around—lost in a culture of darkness—and he needed to do something about it.
Local Press & Videos
Take a look at some of Dr. Renteria’s local Press and Videos.
Comic Book
We’re introducing Mi Barrio, a hard hitting comic book version of From the Barrio to the Board Room that your students WILL BEG TO READ. We don’t glamorize drugs or violence, but we do keep it real in a way that speaks to them honestly while inspiring them to stay in school, value their education and make better choices.
Today’s Students,
Tomorrow’s Leaders
The From the Barrio Foundation is working with the Chicago Public School District and other schools around the country to implement From the Barrio to the Classroom, a dynamic two week curriculum/teacher’s guide that utilizes Dr. Renteria’s story to help students reflect on their own lives and share their own stories.

Saving & Changing Lives
Dr. Robert Renteria awarded “Hall of Fame Motivational Speaker of the Year Award”.
Dr. Robert Renteria awarded "Ambassador for Peace".
Dr. Robert Renteria appointed Hero of the World 2020 & received Endorsement From the World Boxing Council 2024.
Dr. Robert Renteria is the first and only Latino in the world to have ever received two Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Awards for his work as a civil rights leader and Latino voice in educational reform.
Dr. Robert Renteria was again the first Latino in the world to ever receive the International Outstanding Humanitarian Award for promoting global peace and education.